Tuesday, November 30, 2010


It was believed, possibly even still believed that amber could heal any ailment. People even give amber pieces for babies to chew when the babies first teeth appear. Ambers magical properties are of protecting from spells with evil intend and evil eye, making them great to wear if wanting to protect oneself.

Amber itself is good for success, abundance, healing, vitality, fertility, love and joy, obviously quite the gem. The ancient Greeks recorded about  ambers ‘electrical’ property, as if it rubbed with a piece of silk it will attract dust and ashes.

Amber is also associated with magic, the element of fire and of the sun. Amber has the power to turn negative energy into positive energy, making it even more useful. Amber also relieves depression, hence why it is called the happy stone while at the same time relates to the third chakra (Solar Plexus).

Amber was made into amulets and worn as beads many thousands of years ago. The ancient Greeks thought of amber highly, it was even believed that amber is the juice of the setting sun. It was even said that amber came from the apples of immortality, where from this legend it was believed that amber gave protection and increased longevity. The Romans believed that amber was a great protector, so gladiators put amber on their shields and weapons.

Asian cultures have regarded amber as the soul of the tiger. Slavic tribes believed it to be the solidified tears of gods, while Neolithic peoples thought of amber as the souls of the dead. In the Far East, amber symbolizes courage and Egyptians have placed a piece of amber in the casket of a loved one to ensure the body shall forever remain whole.

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