Tuesday, January 29, 2019

9 of Wands

When upright, this card tells of a pause in struggle and the need to remain defensive. When in reverse, this card warns of being caught off guard and the need to adapt.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

2 of Swords

When upright, this card warns of indecision. When upright, this card also acts as a warning but towards disloyalty and someone causing trouble.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

10 of Wands

When this card appears upright, it warns of selfishness, aggressive behaviour and overextending yourself. In reverse this card also acts a warning of deliberate failure.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Page of Wands

Upright, this card tells of courage, being honourable and sudden good news. In reverse, this card warns of gossip and exaggeration.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Knight of Wands

When this card is upright, it tells of ambitions, being hasty and how travelling may help. In reverse, this card warns of being jealous and demanding.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Dreams by Carl Jung

If you are into dreams in any way this book is going to be of interest, but also if you have interest in alchemy the book itself can be of interest due to the alchemical imagery and talk of relation to it despite seeming to be rather unrelated but it is pushed within the book to be related. Of course symbolism within the book is talked about and that is what stands out best within the book itself.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Queen Of Wands

Upright, this card tells of love at home and kindness. In reverse, this card warns of revengefulness, unfaithfulness and being quick to take offence.