Thursday, September 26, 2019

12 - Stagnaton

There are people who are of poor quality who ascend but this does mean you should as well. Looking inwards and towards doing what's right, the truth and progress can prevail.

When the first line is changing, now is a time influencing matters is not possible.
When the second line is changing, patience is now needed. Persevering with humility and openness will provide of aid.
When the third line is changing, stay on the path of what's right.
When the fourth line is changing, concentrate on doing the right thing and remaining modest as it will lead to an improved situation.
When the fifth line is changing, be weary of your ego as a change is coming but good fortune can come only to those that are cautious and behave properly.
When the sixth line is changing, the stagnation can end by correct behaviour.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

11 - Peace

Now is a time of peace and prosperity for those who maintain their ego and practice long term planning and proper behaviour.

If the first line is changing, as long as you stay humble it is a good time to act.
If the second line is changing, bear with difficult people and situations and work through dealing with it.
If the third line is changing, when difficulties arise, accept the situation and hold on firmly.
If the fourth line is changing, avoid trying to impress or influence people.
If the fifth line is changing, remain modest and patient as that will help bring goo fortune.
If the sixth line is changing, this warns of a waning period. Confront it with a calm patience.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

10 - Treading

Now is a time to tread carefully and with caution. Self-development is also preferable and needed for any lasting influence. During this time of self-development, condemning or correcting others is not a duty.

When the first line is changing, be weary of being too ambition and restless.
When the second line is changing, it warns of entanglements and conflict.
When the third line is changing, avoid taking up what's beyond your own skills.
When the fourth line is changing, be cautious as you move forward.
When the fifth line is changing, be sure to keep a level of friendliness, humility, detachment and inner independence.
When the sixth line is changing, acceptance and inner balance is a must for progress. Good conduct will aid you.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

9 - The Taming Power Of The Small

Now is a time of restraints, the need to accept that quietly and for taking small steps to make progress. It's a time of focus, determination and adaptability.

When the first line is changing, it is best to avoid forcing change and being impatient.
When the second line is changing, it is time to be devoted to he truth.
When the third line is changing, it warns o rushing things. To do so will bring misfortune.
When the fourth line is changing, be sure to treat others with gentleness and dignity while maintaining a detached stance.
When the fifth line is changing, be loyal to proper principals and it will eventually pay off.
When the sixth line is changing, success is immediate provided if you move forwards cautiously. Rushing things will not be of help.