Thursday, September 2, 2010


Spiders themselves are generally feared and tend to be lacking respect from people. Yes, they can kill people. Yes, they can look frightening. But they are worthy of respect. They have colonized every continent but Antarctica and seem to be found anywhere but sky and sea.

It is the spider itself that can kill people so easily with its fangs, but can be so easily killed by people. They are quite the reminder of how one can kill another, but yet be killed.

They create webs that can capture but can be used to help move around from one spot to another. Their eight legged form recognizable to anyone with the added effect of coming in a huge amount of variety.

Many people can tell of some sort of experience with spiders. My father was once bitten by a red-back and I once saw a red-back itself tying up an insect by its legs. There have been many spiders grow large in the house I live within. Over the years I have grown to have respect for such a creature, this bringer of death and receiver of death has earned it.

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