Saturday, August 21, 2010


Meditation is something that is used worldwide and I am one of those who meditate daily. So here are three small and quick tips for anyone who is starting to meditate.

First things first, always make yourself comfortable as possible while meditating. If you like to meditate on the floor, use a pillow if needed. I am one of those who find it hard to focus if uncomfortable and chances are if you are uncomfortable you will have some difficulties focusing.

If you have troubles with visualisation start with something small and simple. You can light a candle, watch it for a minute then close your eyes and try visualising the lit candle. Once you have started to visualise the candle you can next try visualising the flame changing colour, the flame getting smaller or bigger or moving around due to wind. Keep trying if unsuccessful and over time try to make the visualisations more complex.

If you are like me and need something to keep your hands busy to help stay focused, get and use something to keep one or both hands busy during meditation. Two things that can be used are prayer beads and meditation balls.

Hope these tips have been useful as they have been to me.

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