Thursday, August 29, 2019

8 - Holding Together

Now is a time for creating unions with people to allow for assistance of each other. Now is a time for community building. This also means it is a time to remain innocent, balanced and correct in behaviour.

When the first line is changing, a genuine commitment to the truth is needed.
When the second line is changing, it warns of poor influences.
When the third line is changing, it warns of poor alliances. Independence and integrity is needed during this time alongside making sure you have good alliances.
When the fourth line is changing, it tells of the need to keep to proper principals.
When the fifth line is changing, it warns against clinginess, to be humble and devoted to the truth and to allow people to come in and out of your life.
When the sixth line is changing, to tells to proceed with caution and to pay attention to every step you take.

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