Thursday, September 26, 2019

12 - Stagnaton

There are people who are of poor quality who ascend but this does mean you should as well. Looking inwards and towards doing what's right, the truth and progress can prevail.

When the first line is changing, now is a time influencing matters is not possible.
When the second line is changing, patience is now needed. Persevering with humility and openness will provide of aid.
When the third line is changing, stay on the path of what's right.
When the fourth line is changing, concentrate on doing the right thing and remaining modest as it will lead to an improved situation.
When the fifth line is changing, be weary of your ego as a change is coming but good fortune can come only to those that are cautious and behave properly.
When the sixth line is changing, the stagnation can end by correct behaviour.

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