Thursday, July 18, 2019

2 - The Receptive

This hexagram is about self-reflection and asking if you're seeking to better the world with sincerity or are justing following an agenda. It tells you to let go of any concerns about the conduct of others and the progress of any worldly ambitions.

When the first line is changing, it tells you to avoid defensive or aggressive postures and to return to quiet usage of proper principals.
When the second line is changing, it states that solutions to every situation is there as long as you remain open minded
When the third line is changing, it warns of vanity and that sincerity and humility shall be your aid.
When the fourth line is changing, it is a warning of future danger, not to resist and to work towards fixing the issue.
When the fifth line is changing, it tells to not worry about influencing others while working towards doing good.
When the sixth line is changing, it warns of an inflated ego and how negative emotions will be self-destructive.

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