Sunday, December 31, 2017


This particular card is interesting to have appear in a reading as in its upright position it tells of the need for discretion and thinking things through. Withdrawal may be needed in such a time.
In reverse the card tells that wisdom will go unheeded and warns of immaturity and impulsiveness.

Sunday, December 24, 2017


Strenth in tarot is a rather easy to understand card alike to the Lovers card. The upright position in a reading is simple in its meaning, speaking of that virtue triumphing and to be steadfast.
In reverse the card is rather negative, telling of loss of opportunities and a lack of courage..

Sunday, December 17, 2017


The Chariot is a card you want to see in the upright form, being strong in with its meaning telling of greatness from hard work and a goal is in sight. Hard work is going to be a needed thing.
In reverse the card warns of illness, restlessness and particularly of halted progress.

Sunday, December 10, 2017


This card is one that I argue is probably the easiest to remember the meaning of with it upright telling of a time for romance but also temptation and the need to choose with care. The temptation and the need to choose with care can however be unrelated to love.
In reverse this care warns that poor decisions shall be punished and it is a time for separations.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Chinese Fairy Tales And Fantasies by Moss Roberts

This is one of those books that is just a collection of some stories from other books. Useful if you're new to the folklore of China, but if you're in the same boat as me a lot of the stories are the ones already read before, perhaps even several times already. This can make the book redundant to buy if you're well read in Chinese classics, but otherwise the book makes for a good read.

Sunday, December 3, 2017


This is a card that whenever it appears acts as bit of a warning regardless of its positioning.
When it appears upright it warns to use your head about things and be careful about your approach. It is a time to act wisely and that kindness can be a useful tool right now.
In reverse it warns of being vulnerable and to be weary of poor advise. This would be a time of unconventional methods.